- (2022) Duke, E.G.; Harrison, S.H.; Moresco, A.; Trout, T.; Troan, B.V.; Garner, M.M.; Smith, M.; Smith, S.; Harrison, T.M. A Multi-Institutional Collaboration to Understand Neoplasia, Treatment and Survival of Snakes. Animals 2022, 12, 258.
- (2022) Harrison, T. M., Morello, S., Royal, K., Petritz, O., & Snyder, A. (2022). Effects of gender on income and family planning for diplomates of the American College of Zoological Medicine, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 260(2), 251-256. Retrieved Jan 21, 2022, from
- (2021) Hepps-Keeney, C.M., J.L. Intile, C. Simms, T.M. Harrison. Lymphoid leukemia in five bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). 2021. JAVMA. 258(7): 748-757. doi:
- (2020) Analysis of published amphibian neoplasia case reports . Hopewell, E., Harrison, S.H., Posey, R., Duke, L.,Troan, B., Harrison, T.M.| In Press.
- (2020) Boddy, A. M., Harrison, T. M., & Abegglen, L. M. (2020). Comparative Oncology: New insights into an ancient disease. Iscience, 101373. doi:
- (2017) Evaluation of morbidity and mortality in lesser hedgehog tenrecs (Echinops telfairi) .Harrison, T.M., S. H. Harrison. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 48(2) 440-445.
- (2017) Parathyroid hormone, ionized calcium, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) . Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine.Canizzo, S., M. Rick, T.M. Harrison, C.A. Harms. | Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. 26(4) : 294-299.
- (2017) Case series of obstetrical and post-partum complications in lesser Madagascar hedgehog tenrecs (Echinops telfairi) .Thompson, K.A., D. Agnew, T. Harrison. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 48(2) 446-452.
- (2016) Case series of renal carcinoma in a family of binturong (Arctictis binturong) including treatment with pyelonephrectomy and a tyrosine kinase inhibitor.Thompson, K. A., J. Patterson, B. Kitchell, T.M. Harrison. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 47(4) : 1109–1113.
- (2016) Retrospective analysis of 3 large nonhuman primate colonies and the incidence and treatment of retained placenta. Comparative Medicine.Bauer, C., T. Harrison. | 66 (2) : 1-7.
- (2016) Technique for venipuncture of the facial vein in black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) .Schlanser, J.R., G.W. Bohart, D.W. Paperd, C. Wagner, M. Marquardt, T.M. Harrison. | Zoo Biology. Nov/Dec. 35(6) . 579-573.
- (2016) Intralesional bleomycin to treat oral squamous cell carcinoma in a greater hedgehog tenrec (Setifer setosus)Brady, S., T. M. Harrison, C. Rodriguez, R.F. Wack. | Veterinary Record Case Reports.
- (2014) Intestinal butyrate-producing community structure is governed by diet across the classes of Mammalia, Aves and Reptilia.Vital, M., J. Gao, M. Rizzo, T. Harrison and J. M. Tiedje. | ISME Journal. 24 October. 179.
- (2014) Humoral response to calicivirus in captive tigers given a dual-strain vaccine. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine.Harrison, T.M., Harrison, S.H., Sikarskie, J.G., Armstrong, D. | 45(1) : 23-38.
- (2014) Fecal endocrine monitoring of reproduction in female snow leopards (Uncia uncia) .Reichert-Stewart, J.L., R.M. Santymire, D. Armstrong, T.M. Harrison, and J.R. Herrick. | Theriogenology. 82(1) 17-26.
- (2014) Gastric dilatation and volvulus in a red panda (Ailurus fulgens)Schlanser, J.R., D.W. Paperd, and T.M. Harrison. | 76(6) 901-903.
- (2013) Infectious Diseases of Concern to Captive and Free Ranging Animals in North America, 2nd ed.Harrison, T.M. Canine parvovirus. In: Gamble, K.C., and M.M. Clancy (eds) . | Infectious Disease Committee, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Yulee, Florida. 1098 pp.
- (2012) Disseminated pheochromocytoma in a North American river otter (Lontra canadensis)Schlanser, J.R., Patterson, J.S. D, Kiupel, M., Hencken, C., Sikarskie, J.G., Harrison, T.M. | 43(2) : 407-411.
- (2011) Infectious diseases of concern to captive and free ranging animals in North America, 1st ed.Harrison, T.M. Feline calicivirus. in Napier, J.E. and K.C. Gamble (eds) | Infectious disease committee, American Assoc. Zoo Veterinarians, Yulee, FL. Pp. 374.
- (2011) Survival and cause-specific mortality of eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) in Michigan.Bailey, R.L., Campa, H., Harrison, T.M., Bissell, K. | Herpetologica. 67: 167-173.
- (2011) Surgical amputation of a digit and V.A.C. (Vacuum assisted closure) management in a case of osteomyelitis and wound care in an eastern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli)Harrison, T.M., Stanley, B., Sikarskie, J.G., Bohart, G., Ames, N.K., Tomlian, J.A., Marquardt, M.P., Marcum, A.J., Kiupel, M., Sledge, D., Agnew, D. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 42 (2) : 317-321.
- (2011) Pancreatic atrophy due to zinc toxicosis in two African ostriches (Struthio camelus)Carreira, V., Goadsden, B.J., Harrison, T.M., Braselton, W., E., Fitzgerald, S.D. | 42 (2) : 304-308.
- (2010) Surveillance of rabies prevalence and bite protocols in captive mammals in American zoos.Zelepsky, J., Harrison, T.M. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 41 (3) : 474-479.
- (2010) Malignant lymphoma in African lions (Panthera leo) .Harrison, T.M., McKnight, C.A., Sikarskie, J.G., Kitchell, B.E., Garner, M.M., Raymond, J.T., Fitzgerald, S.D., Valli, V.E., Agnew, D., Kiupel, M. | Veterinary Pathology. 47: 952-957.
- (2010) Treatment of an amelanotic melanoma using radiation therapy in a lesser Madagascar hedgehog tenrec.Harrison, T.M., Dominguez, P., Hanzlik, K., Sikarskie, J.G., Agnew, D., Bergin, I., Fitzgerald, S.D., Kitchell, B., McNeil, E. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 41(1) : 152-157
- (2008) The influence of reproductive status on thermal ecology and vegetation use of female Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) in southwestern lower Michigan.Foster, M. A., Bissell, K.M., Campa, H., Harrison, T.M. | Herpetological Review
- (2008) Use of positive reinforcement conditioning to monitor pregnancy in an unanesthetized snow leopard (Uncia uncia) via transabdominal ultrasound.Broder, J.M., MacFadden, A.J., Cosens, L.M., Rosenstein, D.S., Harrison, T.M. | Zoo Biology. 27: 78-85.
- (2007) Treatment of malignant lymphoma in an African lion (Panthera leo) .Harrison, T.M., Sikarskie, J., Kitchell, B., Rosenstein, D.S., Flaherty, H., Fitzgerald, S.D., Kiupel, M. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 38(2) : 333-336.
- (2007) Calicivirus epidemic in captive exotic felids.Harrison, T.M., Sikarskie, J., Kruger, J., Wise, A. Mullaney, T.P., Kiupel, M., Maes, R.K. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 38(2) : 292-299.
- (2007) Toxoplasma gondii in an African crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata)Harrison, T.M., Black Moorman, J., Bolin, S.R., Grosjean, N.L, Fitzgerald, S.D. | Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 19: 191-194.
- (2006) Surveillance for selected bacterial and toxicologic contaminants in donated carcass meat fed to carnivores.Harrison, T.M., Harrison, S.H., Rumbeiha, W.K., Sikarskie, J., McClean, M. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 37(2) : 102-107.
- (2006) Enrofloxacin induced retinopathy in a guanaco (Lama guanicoe)Harrison, T.M., Dubielzig, R.R., Harrison, T.R., McClean, M. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 37(4) : 545-548.
- (2004) Antibodies to canine and feline viruses in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara National Reserve.Harrison, T.M., Mazet, J.A., Holekamp, K.E., Dubovi, E., Engh, A.L., Nelson, K., Van Horn, R.C., Munson, L. | Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40(1) : 1-10.